Using the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern to deploy Grafana with Traefik IngressRoute and Azure Key Vault secrets. App of Apps automatically added to ArgoCD using existing repo and CD pipeline.
Deploying Azure Application Gateway in front of Traefik to get the best of both worlds.
Traefik as ingress on AKS, including exposing the Traefik dashboard secured by a secret in Azure Key Vault using Azure AD Workload Identity.
Fully automated deployment of ArgoCD on Azure Kubernetes Service with Application Gateway Ingress Controller, automatic certificate using cert-manager, and Azure AD authentication.
A simple deployment of Azure Kubernetes Service with ingress Application Gateway, with all required components. In addition, the deployment builds an image, pushes it to Azure Container Registry, and deploys it to Azure Kubernetes Service.
An Azure Sentinel query to find all local administrator logons for Defender protected devices in the environment.
Creating a Logic App to import Windows devices to Autopilot; easy to call from task sequence or other scripts. Utilizing Azure Table for further automation.
Integrating Azure Sentinel incidents with ServiceNow, automatically syncing incidents and closing incidents when closed in either Sentinel or ServiceNow.
Using Azure Bicep to create Azure Policy modules utilizing the latest features in Azure Bicep; loops, modules and importing existing resources. Bicep significantly increases readability and reduces complexity compared with ARM Templates.
Creating a custom Azure Policy for auditing disk encryption using SSE with CMK. This will report the Virtual Machines as compliant in Azure Security Center.